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New 20m Vertical Buddi Beam pdf file

Video of Qso's using the 20m Vertical Buddi Beam

Google quality Video of Qso's using the 20m Vertical Buddi Beam

Photo of 20m_Vertical_Buddi_Beam_

Lou's Frequently Asked Questions

Click on Photo's to enlarge


         This is my 20m Quad                    This is my 17m Loop          This is my 40m Dipole at 65ft.

Here is my Rig Kenwood TS-50-S

The Loops Hidden Secrets

New 60m Vertical

New 80m Verticals


Click Here for
KM4CI'S Monster Mobile Antenna

Click Here for
International Beacon Network

Here are some of the Antennas I have Designed

Dual Polarity antenna for 80 or 160 meters

Photos from Stations on the air with my Dual Polarity antenna design
To Tom Fitzpatrick K4IE for making the top 10 list in the ARRL DX contest single band 80mtr catagory using my 80m dual polarity antenna.

Email from Stations on the air with my Dual Polarity antenna design
Scott W. Lowe WA0TPN
Tom Fitzpatrick K4IE

Top Fed Linear Loaded 3/4 wave length Vertical for 80 meters

Biquad for two meters and 440-MHZ

10m Bent attic Yagi

Balanced Self Matching Feed Line System

One wavelength Loop with Balanced Self Matching Feed Line System

The 20m VersaTee Vertical Phased Array pdf file

KE4UYP 160m top fed, linear loaded vertical antenna article written by Joe, W8DCQ

How many elevated radials do you really need pdf file

The VersaTee 60/80m vertical tutorial pdf file

History of the VersaTee 60m80m Vertical pdf file

The VersaTee vertical 80m or 60m modular antenna system.

  This modular antenna system offers the opportunity to every ham radio operator the ability to efficiently communicate on 80m or 60m without requiring a large piece of real estate, tall towers or trees. One person can easily setup this antenna in their backyard or transport it to virtually any remote location, and set up in just a few short minutes. Absolutely no need for tall supports this is a completely self-contained system. Unlike traditional low band vertical antennas requiring many ground mounted radial wires this system utilizes a single elevated sloping ground radial.
  Traditional verticals have the feedpoint of the antenna at or very near the ground. With this antenna the feedpoint is elevated to a height of approximately 10 feet above ground, thereby reducing near field ground return losses, it also improves the overall performance and efficiency of the antenna.

  The antenna fits in a space of 35' x 30' for 80m

  The classic MonoPole vertical only develops radiation from the vertical element the radial wires contribute no radiation. In this system the single elevated radial wire actually contributes the majority of the radiation the antenna delivers. The angled elevated radial serves multiple purposes. As the radial wire progressively moves closer to the ground, the takeoff angle of radiation from this wire constantly changes. This measurably increases the range of takeoff angles that have the same amplitude.
  Because the radial wire slopes down from a height of 10 feet to a point 2ft. above the ground, this also raises the radiation resistance to near theoretical maximum . The antenna contains both 70 percent vertical and 30 percent horizontal components. When the vertical component starts to diminish above 45 degrees the horizontal component continues to the critical angle. Because the distance between stations diminishes as the takeoff angle rises, the 30 percent of horizontal component is more than adequate to deliver strong NVIC signal reports.

When the radial wire reaches two feet above the ground it makes an abrupt bend of 90 degrees, this gives the antenna a small directional gain which causes an increase in the E. R. P. over a 200+degree pattern. This antenna's design also delivers a F/B ratio of approximately 6 to 7db. The antenna demonstrates excellent performance out to approximately 2000 miles and continues to perform satisfactorily at more than 5000 miles making it very desirable for a wide range of communication applications. So regardless of rather you are a local net controller, a east or west coast Rag Chewer for a serious DX hound this one antenna is ready for the job at hand.

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